Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Film Review: In to the Wild.

For those of you who don't know, my favourite film(s) is Lord of The Rings. I'm a geek when it comes to films and yes I was uber excited about the long awaited arrival of the first Hobbit installment! This film however comes very close and I could watch it countless times.

I was at home one evening and this film came on Film 4 at about 10:30pm. I wasn't going to watch it actually but it was one of those scenarios when you can't quite be bothered to go to bed yet and you know there's nothing else on any other channel. I ended up staying up and watching it all and a few days later buying the DVD, I enjoyed it that much.

Based on a true story and on the book, this film focuses on a young man called Christopher Johnson McCandless (A.K.A Alexander Supertramp) and follows his journey on finding and living a life of solitude- in the Alaskan wilderness. We see the people he meets a long the way and the effect they have on him. We see why he made the decisions he made and what influenced this life choice and journey. It is such a moving film, not depressing, just really moving. I remember almost crying at one (ok, several) scenes, but I'm going to leave it to yourselves to see. The soundtrack is thought provoking, uplifting and inspring and for that we have Eddie Vedder to thank- I am even going to recommend buying the soundtrack. Really people, give this film a go. It's not particularly old (2007) and it's just fantastic. You'll wonder why it's taken you this long to watch it.


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